

Successive Refinement for Hypothesis Testing and Lossless One-Helper Problem

14 years 2 months ago
Successive Refinement for Hypothesis Testing and Lossless One-Helper Problem
Abstract--We investigate two closely related successive refinement (SR) coding problems: 1) In the hypothesis testing (HT) problem, bivariate hypothesis H0 : PXY against H1 : PXPY , i.e., test against independence is considered. One remote sensor collects data stream X and sends summary information, constrained by SR coding rates, to a decision center which observes data stream Y directly. 2) In the one-helper (OH) problem, X and Y are encoded separately and the receiver seeks to reconstruct Y losslessly. Multiple levels of coding rates are allowed at the two sensors, and the transmissions are performed in an SR manner. We show that the SR-HT rate-error-exponent region and the SR-OH rate region can be reduced to essentially the same entropy characterization form. Single-letter solutions are thus provided in a unified fashion, and the connection between them is discussed. These problems are also related to the information bottleneck (IB) problem, and through this connection we provide a...
Chao Tian, Jun Chen
Added 15 Dec 2010
Updated 15 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where TIT
Authors Chao Tian, Jun Chen
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