Educational games are a beneficial activity motivating a large number of students in our society. Unfortunately, disabled people have reduced opportunities when using a computer game. We have created a new Sudoku game for people whose motion is impaired, called Sudoku Access. This special interface allows the control of the game either by voice or by a single switch. We conducted a user study of the Sudoku Access that shows that people can play the game quickly and accurately. With this special Sudoku puzzle we can help more people to get involved in computer games and contribute to develop logic thinking and concentration in students. Our research aims at building enabling technologies that increase individuals' functional independence in a game environment. Categories and Subject Descriptors H.5.2 [Information Interfaces and Presentation]: User Interfaces--Graphical user interfaces; K.3.1 [Computers and Education]: Computer uses in Education--Computerassisted instruction (CAI);...
Stéphane Norte, Fernando G. Lobo