

Suede: a Wizard of Oz prototyping tool for speech user interfaces

14 years 4 months ago
Suede: a Wizard of Oz prototyping tool for speech user interfaces
Speech-based user interfaces are growing in popularity. Unfortunately, the technology expertise required to build speech UIs precludes many individuals from participating in the speech interface design process. Furthermore, the time and knowledge costs of building even simple speech systems make it difficult for designers to iteratively design speech UIs. SUEDE, the speech interface prototyping tool we describe in this paper, allows designers to rapidly create prompt/response speech interfaces. It offers an electronically supported Wizard of Oz (WOz) technique that captures test data, allowing designers to analyze the interface after testing. This informal tool enables speech user interface designers, even non-experts, to quickly create, test, and analyze speech user interface prototypes. Keywords Wizard of Oz, speech user interfaces, prototyping, design, low-fidelity, informal user interfaces, design tools
Scott R. Klemmer, Anoop K. Sinha, Jack Chen, James
Added 01 Aug 2010
Updated 01 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Where UIST
Authors Scott R. Klemmer, Anoop K. Sinha, Jack Chen, James A. Landay, Nadeem Aboobaker, Annie Wang
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