

SUITS: Faceted User Interface for Constructing Structured Queries from Keywords

14 years 7 months ago
SUITS: Faceted User Interface for Constructing Structured Queries from Keywords
Keyword search and database query are two ways for retrieving data in real world settings. In this demonstration, we show SUITS, a novel search interface over relational databases that smoothly integrates the flexibility of keyword search and the precision of database queries. SUITS allows users to start with arbitrary keyword queries, refine them incrementally by following the suggestions given by the system and finally obtain desired structured queries.
Elena Demidova, Xuan Zhou, Gideon Zenz, Wolfgang N
Added 19 May 2010
Updated 19 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Elena Demidova, Xuan Zhou, Gideon Zenz, Wolfgang Nejdl
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