

Supervised Nonparametric Information Theoretic Classification

15 years 1 months ago
Supervised Nonparametric Information Theoretic Classification
In this paper, supervised nonparametric information theoretic classification (ITC) is introduced. Its principle relies on the likelihood of a data sample of transmitting its class label to data points in its vicinity. ITC's learning rule is linked to the concept of information potential and the approach is validated on Ripley's data set. We show that ITC may outperform classical classification algorithms, such as probabilistic neural networks and support vector machines.
Cédric Archambeau, Jean-Philippe Thiran, Mi
Added 09 Nov 2009
Updated 09 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where ICPR
Authors Cédric Archambeau, Jean-Philippe Thiran, Michel Verleysen, Torsten Butz, Vlad Popovici
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