

A Supervised Wavelet Transform Algorithm for R Spike Detection in Noisy ECGs

14 years 2 months ago
A Supervised Wavelet Transform Algorithm for R Spike Detection in Noisy ECGs
Abstract. The wavelet transform is a widely used pre-filtering step for subsequent R spike detection by thresholding of the coefficients. The time-frequency decomposition is indeed a powerful tool to analyze non-stationary signals. Still, current methods use consecutive wavelet scales in an a priori restricted range and may therefore lack adaptativity. This paper introduces a supervised learning algorithm which learns the optimal scales for each dataset using the annotations provided by physicians on a small training set. For each record, this method allows a specific set of non consecutive scales to be selected, based on the record's characteristics. The selected scales are then used for the decomposition of the original long-term ECG signal recording and a hard thresholding rule is applied on the derivative of the wavelet coefficients to label the R spikes. This algorithm has been tested on the MIT-BIH arrhythmia database and obtains an average sensitivity rate of 99.7% and aver...
Gael de Lannoy, Arnaud de Decker, Michel Verleysen
Added 29 Oct 2010
Updated 29 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Authors Gael de Lannoy, Arnaud de Decker, Michel Verleysen
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