In the process of developing an Information System, one passes through stages that include requirements gathering, design specification, and software implementation. The purpose of the TDL language is to express the conceptual design of an information system; it is the intermediate language in a triad that includes the language Telos, which captures an evolutionary view of the application domain and requirements, and DBPL, a procedural programming language that has persistent values and transactions supporting the development of databases. We consider TDL’s features for specifying the data and eventual procedural components of the system, and discuss how these are related to its companions. We also survey several tools for manipulating TDL descriptions which are currently under development, and give a detailed example of the iterative refinement of TDL designs into DBPL programs. 1 Motivation and setting The authors and their collaborators, have been involved in project DAIDA, who...
Alexander Borgida, John Mylopoulos, Joachim W. Sch