

Support for Question-Answering in Interactive Information Retrieval: Rutgers' TREC-9 Interactive Track Experience

14 years 3 months ago
Support for Question-Answering in Interactive Information Retrieval: Rutgers' TREC-9 Interactive Track Experience
We compared two different interfaces to the InQuery IR system with respect to their support for the TREC-9 Interactive Track Question-Answering task. One interface presented search results as a ranked list of document titles (displayed ten at one time), with the text of one document (the first, or any selected one) displayed in a scrollable window. The other presented search results as a ranked series of scrollable windows of the texts of the retrieved documents, displayed six documents at a time, each document display beginning at the system-computed "best passage". Our hypotheses were that: multiple-text, best passage display would have an overall advantage for question answering; single-text, multiple title display would have an advantage for the listoriented question types; and that multiple-text, best passage display would have an advantage for the comparison-oriented question types. The two interfaces were compared on effectiveness, usability and preference measures fo...
Nicholas J. Belkin, Amymarie Keller, Diane Kelly,
Added 01 Nov 2010
Updated 01 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Where TREC
Authors Nicholas J. Belkin, Amymarie Keller, Diane Kelly, Jose Perez Carballo, C. Sikora, Ying Sun
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