

A Support Vector Approach to Censored Targets

14 years 6 months ago
A Support Vector Approach to Censored Targets
Censored targets, such as the time to events in survival analysis, can generally be represented by intervals on the real line. In this paper, we propose a novel support vector technique (named SVCR) for regression on censored targets. Interestingly, this approach provides a general formulation for both standard regression and binary classification tasks. SVCR inherits the strengths of support vector methods, such as a globally optimal solution by convex programming, fast training speed and strong generalization capacity. In contrast to ranking approaches to survival analysis, our approach is able not only to achieve superior ordering performance but also to predict the survival time very well. Controlled experiments show the significant performance improvement when majority of the training data is censored. Experimental results on several survival analysis datasets verify that SVCR is very competitive against classical survival analysis models. Keywords Support Vector Machines, Surv...
Pannagadatta K. Shivaswamy, Wei Chu, Martin Jansch
Added 03 Jun 2010
Updated 03 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where ICDM
Authors Pannagadatta K. Shivaswamy, Wei Chu, Martin Jansche
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