

Supporting Enterprise-Grade Audio Conferencing on the Internet

14 years 9 months ago
Supporting Enterprise-Grade Audio Conferencing on the Internet
This paper evaluates if the Internet can support enterprise-grade audio conferencing. For our investigation, we collect real-world traffic traces from the audio conferencing solution in GoToMeeting, a popular online meeting application. We analyze these traces using Conference MOS, a new metric proposed in this paper to measure the quality of an audio conference. Our results indicate that a majority of users experience good conference quality. A small percentage of users that experience poor quality because of high delay and loss would be better served with PSTN. This leads us to believe that an enterprise-grade solution should adopt a combined VoIP and PSTN deployment strategy over a VoIP only solution.
Krishna Ramachandran, Sunitha Beeram
Added 20 May 2010
Updated 20 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where PAM
Authors Krishna Ramachandran, Sunitha Beeram
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