An important investigation of time series involves searching for \movement" patterns, such as \going up" or \going down" or some combinations of them. Movement patterns can be in various scales: a large scale pattern may cover a long time period, while a small scale pattern usually covers a short time period. This paper considers such scale requirement. More speci cally, a pattern is de ned as a regular expression of letters, where each letter describes a movement direction and covers a speci ed length of time (called pattern unit length). To nd if a time series (or a part of it) matches a pattern, the time series is rst partitioned into consecutive sub-series of the unit length, and for each subseries, the direction of its best tting line is taken as the movement direction of the sub-series if the distance between the best tting line and the sub-series is within a speci ed tolerance (tolerance requirement). A direct implementation of pattern search will undoubtedly yie...