

Supporting JIGSAW-Type Collaborative Learning

14 years 5 months ago
Supporting JIGSAW-Type Collaborative Learning
JIGSAW is a well-known technique for collaborative learning. Students typically use it in a face-to-face setting without computer support. This paper describes a Webbased tool for both the preparation of the collaborative learning activities and the execution of the activities. The teachers design and prepare collaborative learning activities and the proposal is they do it in a collaborative way. The system has tools to help teachers do these tasks while, at the same time, they can practice collaborative work and get hands-on experience. Most of these tools are re-used to support students to collaboratively learn. The tools are to be used by students in the same sequence and in the same phases as originally described for the unsupported JIGSAW technique. They also work organized as groups and pairs in a face-to-face setting. These tools are not intended as a replacement of the traditional JIGSAW technique. Teachers may find these tools useful as a support for various teaching/learning...
Tania Gallardo, Luis A. Guerrero, César A.
Added 04 Jul 2010
Updated 04 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Authors Tania Gallardo, Luis A. Guerrero, César A. Collazos, José A. Pino, Sergio F. Ochoa
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