

Supporting multidisciplinary collaboration: requirements from novel HCI education

15 years 2 months ago
Supporting multidisciplinary collaboration: requirements from novel HCI education
Many collaborative design tools may suffer from being too generic to address the specific complexities inherent in multidisciplinary collaboration. We provide accounts of several multidisciplinary HCI courses at our institution, elaborating on the challenges student teams face when integrating design practice from a wide variety of disciplines. Of particular interest are the distinct approaches that these multidisciplinary teams adopt that differ from more common forms of collaborative design. We suggest reasons for the poor rate of adoption of existing collaborative support tools and outline specific suggestions for directions in both ethnographic studies of multidisciplinary collaboration and collaborative systems design. Author Keywords Multidisciplinary collaboration, low fidelity prototyping, social bookmarking, design tools, design education ACM Classification Keywords H5.2. User Interfaces: Prototyping, Theory and methods. K4.3 Organizational Impacts: Computer-supported collabo...
Piotr D. Adamczyk, Michael B. Twidale
Added 30 Nov 2009
Updated 30 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where CHI
Authors Piotr D. Adamczyk, Michael B. Twidale
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