

Supporting Real-Time Applications in an Integrated Services Packet Network: Architecture and Mechanism

14 years 6 months ago
Supporting Real-Time Applications in an Integrated Services Packet Network: Architecture and Mechanism
This paper considers the support of real-time applications in an Integrated Services Packet Network (ISPN). We rst review the characteristics of real-time applications. We observe that, contrary to the popular view that real-time applications necessarily require a xed delay bound, some realtime applications are more exible and can adapt to current network conditions. We then propose an ISPN architecture that supports two distinct kinds of real-time service: guaranteed service, which is the traditional form of realtime service discussed in most of the literature and involves pre-computed worst-case delay bounds, and predictedservice which uses the measured performance of the network in computing delay bounds. We then propose a packet scheduling mechanism that can support both of these real-time services as well as accommodate datagram trac. We also discuss two other aspects of an overall ISPN architecture: the service interface and the admission control criteria.
David D. Clark, Scott Shenker, Lixia Zhang
Added 10 Aug 2010
Updated 10 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1992
Authors David D. Clark, Scott Shenker, Lixia Zhang
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