

Supporting top-k join queries in relational databases

15 years 20 days ago
Supporting top-k join queries in relational databases
Ranking queries produce results that are ordered on some computed score. Typically, these queries involve joins, where users are usually interested only in the top-k join results. Current relational query processors do not handle ranking queries efficiently, especially when joins are involved. In this paper, we address supporting top-k join queries in relational query processors. We introduce a new rank-join algorithm that makes use of the individual orders of its inputs to produce join results ordered on a user-specified scoring function. The idea is to rank the join results progressively during the join operation. We introduce two physical query operators based on variants of ripple join that implement the rank-join algorithm. The operators are nonblocking and can be integrated into pipelined execution plans. We address several practical issues and optimization heuristics to integrate the new join operators in practical query processors. We implement the new operators inside a proto...
Ihab F. Ilyas, Walid G. Aref, Ahmed K. Elmagarmid
Added 05 Dec 2009
Updated 05 Dec 2009
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where VLDB
Authors Ihab F. Ilyas, Walid G. Aref, Ahmed K. Elmagarmid
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