

A Survey of Automated Techniques for Formal Software Verification

14 years 2 months ago
A Survey of Automated Techniques for Formal Software Verification
The quality and the correctness of software is often the greatest concern in electronic systems. Formal verification tools can provide a guarantee that a design is free of specific flaws. This paper surveys algorithms that perform automatic, static analysis of software to detect programming errors or prove their absence. The three techniques considered are static with abstract domains, model checking, and bounded model checking. A short tutorial on these techniques is provided, highlighting their differences when applied to practical problems. The paper also surveys the tools that are available implementing these techniques, and describes their merits and shortcomings.
Vijay D'Silva, Daniel Kroening, Georg Weissenbache
Added 15 Dec 2010
Updated 15 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where TCAD
Authors Vijay D'Silva, Daniel Kroening, Georg Weissenbacher
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