

Sustainability of New Work Practises and Building Concepts

14 years 4 months ago
Sustainability of New Work Practises and Building Concepts
: New forms of communication and co-operation do not have the same environmental impact pattern as current forms of work. Environmental impacts are produced by work technologies (mainly communication technologies), buildings (construction, maintenance, operation and destruction) and transport (induced by work relations and housing). The thesis that new information technologies reduce transport and building energy consumption has not been verified in practice until now. The contribution discusses the interrelation between different impacts, gives quantitative data of environmental impact based on the combination of existing life cycle analysis and tries to estimate possible future developments. The question of the necessity of new buildings and the possible development of virtual buildings is discussed in relation with sustainable development. keywords : buildings, work practise, life cycle assessement, sustainability
Niklaus Kohler
Added 05 Aug 2010
Updated 05 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1998
Authors Niklaus Kohler
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