

SweetWiki: semantic web enabled technologies in Wiki

14 years 9 months ago
SweetWiki: semantic web enabled technologies in Wiki
Wikis are social web sites enabling a potentially large number of participants to modify any page or create a new page using their web browser. As they grow, wikis may suffer from a number of problems (anarchical structure, aging navigation paths, etc.). We believe that semantic wikis can improve navigation and search. In SweetWiki we investigate the use of semantic web technologies to support and ease the lifecycle of the wiki. The very model of wikis was declaratively described: an OWL schema captures concepts such as wiki word, wiki page, forward and backward link, author, etc. This ontology is then exploited by an embedded semantic search engine (Corese). In addition, SweetWiki integrates a standard WYSIWYG editor (Kupu) that we extended to support semantic annotation following the "social tagging": when editing a page, the user can freely enter some keywords and an auto-completion mechanism proposes existing keywords by issuing queries to identify existing concepts with...
Michel Buffa, Fabien Gandon
Added 14 Jun 2010
Updated 14 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Authors Michel Buffa, Fabien Gandon
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