

Switchboard: Secure, Monitored Connections for Client-Server Communication

14 years 8 months ago
Switchboard: Secure, Monitored Connections for Client-Server Communication
Prolonged secure communication requires trust relationships that extend throughout a connection’s life cycle. Current tools to establish secure connections such as SSL/TLS and SSH authenticate PKI identities, validate credentials and authorize a trust relationship at the time a connection is established, but do not monitor the trust relationship thereafter. To maintain security over the duration of a prolonged connection, we extend the semantics of SSL to support continuous monitoring of a credential’s liveness and the trust relationships that authorize it. Our implementation isolates trust management into a pluggable trust authorization module. We also present an initial design for a host-level secure communication resource that provides secure channels for multiple connections.
Eric Freudenthal, Lawrence Port, Tracy Pesin, Edwa
Added 14 Jul 2010
Updated 14 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2002
Authors Eric Freudenthal, Lawrence Port, Tracy Pesin, Edward Keenan
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