

Symbolic Dynamics from homoclinic tangles

14 years 2 months ago
Symbolic Dynamics from homoclinic tangles
We give a method for finding symbolic dynamics for a planar diffeomorphism with a homoclinic tangle. The method only requires a finite piece of tangle, which can be computed with available numerical techniques. The symbol space is naturally given by components of the complement of the stable and unstable manifolds. The shift map defining the dynamics is a factor of a subshift of finite type, and is obtained from a graph related to the tangle. The entropy of this shift map is a lower bound for the topological entropy of the planar diffeomorphism. We give examples arising from the H
Pieter Collins
Added 19 Dec 2010
Updated 19 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2002
Where IJBC
Authors Pieter Collins
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