

Symbolic voter placement for dependability-aware system synthesis

14 years 7 months ago
Symbolic voter placement for dependability-aware system synthesis
This paper presents a system synthesis approach for dependable embedded systems. The proposed approach significantly extends previous work by automatically inserting fault detection and fault toleration mechanisms into an implementation. The main contributions of this paper are 1) a dependability-aware system synthesis approach that automatically performs a redundant task binding and placement of voting structures to increase both, reliability and safety, respectively, 2) an efficient dependability analysis approach to evaluate lifetime reliability and safety, and 3) results from synthesizing a Motion-JPEG decoder for an FPGA platform using the proposed system synthesis approach. As a result, a set of high-quality solutions of the decoder with maximized reliability, safety, performance, and simultaneously minimized resource requirements is achieved. Categories and Subject Descriptors J.6 [Computer-Aided Engineering]: Computer-aided design (CAD); C.3 [Special-Purpose and ApplicationBa...
Felix Reimann, Michael Glabeta, Martin Lukasiewycz
Added 29 May 2010
Updated 29 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Authors Felix Reimann, Michael Glabeta, Martin Lukasiewycz, Joachim Keinert, Christian Haubelt, Jürgen Teich
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