

Synchronised Hyperedge Replacement as a Model for Service Oriented Computing

14 years 6 months ago
Synchronised Hyperedge Replacement as a Model for Service Oriented Computing
Abstract. This tutorial paper describes a framework for modelling several aspects of distributed computing based on Synchronised Hyperedge Replacement (SHR), a graph rewriting formalism. Components are represented as edges and they rewrite themselves by synchronising with neighbour components the productions that specify their behaviour. The SHR framework has been equipped with many formal devices for representing complex synchronisation mechanisms which can tackle mobility, heterogeneous synchronisations and non-functional aspects, key factors of Service Oriented Computing (SOC). We revise the SHR family as a suitable model for contributing to the formalisation of SOC systems.
Gian Luigi Ferrari, Dan Hirsch, Ivan Lanese, Ugo M
Added 27 Jun 2010
Updated 27 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where FMCO
Authors Gian Luigi Ferrari, Dan Hirsch, Ivan Lanese, Ugo Montanari, Emilio Tuosto
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