

The synergy between multideme genetic algorithms and fuzzy systems

14 years 3 months ago
The synergy between multideme genetic algorithms and fuzzy systems
In this article, a real-coded genetic algorithm (GA) is proposed capable of simultaneously optimizing the structure of a system (number of inputs, membership functions and rules) and tuning the parameters that define the fuzzy system. A multideme GA system is used in which various fuzzy systems with different numbers of input variables and with different structures are jointly optimized. Communication between the different demes is established by the migration of individuals presenting a difference in the dimensionality of the input space of a particular variable. We also propose coding by means of multidimensional matrices of the fuzzy rules such that the neighborhood properties are not destroyed by forcing it into a linear chromosome. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is verified and is compared with other fuzzy, and neuro-fuzzy approaches in terms of the root mean squared error (RMSE). I. GENETIC ALGORITHMS AND FUZZY SYSTEM
Ignacio Rojas Ruiz, José Luis Bernier, Edua
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2001
Authors Ignacio Rojas Ruiz, José Luis Bernier, Eduardo Ros Vidal, Fernando J. Rojas, Carlos García Puntonet
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