

Syntactic Analyses for Parallel Grammars: Auxiliaries and Genitive NPs

14 years 1 months ago
Syntactic Analyses for Parallel Grammars: Auxiliaries and Genitive NPs
This paper tbeuses on two disparate asI)e(:ts of German syntax from the perspeetive of paral]eJ grammar developmenl;. As part of a eOOl)erative project, we present an innovative approach to auxiliaries and multiph: genitive NPs ill German. The LFG-based imph:menration t)resented here avoids unnessary structural eonq)lexity in the representation of auxiliaries by challenging the traditional analysis of auxiliaries as raising verbs. The approach developed for multiple genitive NPs provides a mor(: at)straet, language independent representati(m of genitives associated with nominalized verl)s. Taken together, the two ai)proa(:hes rei)resent a step (;owards providing uniformly al)plical)le treatments for differing languages, thus lightening the burden for machine translation.
Miriam Butt, Christian Fortmann, Christian Rohrer
Added 02 Nov 2010
Updated 02 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 1996
Authors Miriam Butt, Christian Fortmann, Christian Rohrer
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