In this paper, we present an approach to forgetting in disjunctive logic programs, where forgetting an atom from a program amounts to a reduction in the signature of that program. Notably, the approach is syntax-independent, so that if two programs are strongly equivalent, then the result of forgetting a given atom in each program is also strongly equivalent. ral definition of forgetting is abstract: forgetting an atom from program P is characterised by the set of those SE consequences of P that do not mention the atom to be forgotten. We provide an equivalent, syntactic, characterization in which forgetting an atom p is given by those rules in the program that do not mention p, together with rules obtained by a single inference step from those rules that do mention p. Forgetting is shown to have appropriate properties; in particular, answer sets are preserved in forgetting an atom. As well, forgetting an atom via the syntactic characterization results in a modest (at worst quadratic...
James P. Delgrande, Kewen Wang