

Synthesis of Petri Nets from Scenarios with VipTool

14 years 4 months ago
Synthesis of Petri Nets from Scenarios with VipTool
The aim of this tool paper is twofold: First we show that VipTool [9, 2] can now synthesize Petri nets from partially ordered runs. To integrate this extension and further new functionalities, we changed the architecture of VipTool to a flexible plug-in technology. Second we explain how VipTool including the synthesis feature can be used for a stepwise and iterative formalization and validation procedure for business process Petri net models. The synthesis functionalities fill a gap in a previously defined procedure [9, 7] where the first definition of an initial process model had to be done "by hand", i.e. without any tool support.
Robin Bergenthum, Jörg Desel, Robert Lorenz,
Added 12 Oct 2010
Updated 12 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where APN
Authors Robin Bergenthum, Jörg Desel, Robert Lorenz, Sebastian Mauser
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