This paper presents our development of a synthetic traffic model for the interactive online computer game Quake3. The goal is a traffic model that can be used by researchers and Internet Service Provider engineers to estimate the potential future impact of Quake3 traffic over IP networks. We developed our ns2 simulation model for Quake3's IP traffic by running live network experiments and characterising the observed packet length, packet inter-arrival times, and data rates (in packets- and bits- per second). Our observations are documented in this paper, and we expect our traffic model will assist network planners who wish to better support real-time game traffic. Categories and Subject Descriptors I.6.5 [Simulation and Modeling]: Model development– traffic measurement, statistical analyses, model implementation. General Terms Algorithms, Measurement, Performance, Experimentation Keywords Quake 3, Internet, Traffic, Modeling, Simulation,
Tanja Lang, Philip Branch, Grenville J. Armitage