

System and simulation modeling using SysML

14 years 2 months ago
System and simulation modeling using SysML
Simulation languages and the GUIs supporting them may be excellent tools for creating simulation codes, but are not necessarily the best tools to use for creating descriptions of systems, i.e., for modeling. In 2006, OMG published the initial standard specification (OMG 2006) for SysML (Systems Modeling Language), an extension of UML (OMG 2007) designed specifically to support systems engineering. SysML shows great promise for creating object-oriented models of systems that incorporate not only software, but also people, material, and other physical resources, expressing both structure and behavior for such systems. In this paper, we explore the use of SysML both to model a system to be simulated and to support the automatic generation of simulation models.
Edward Huang, Randeep Ramamurthy, Leon F. McGinnis
Added 02 Oct 2010
Updated 02 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where WSC
Authors Edward Huang, Randeep Ramamurthy, Leon F. McGinnis
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