

System Description: CRIL Platform for SAT

14 years 6 months ago
System Description: CRIL Platform for SAT
The CRIL multi-strategy platform for SAT includes a whole family of local search techniques and some of the best Davis and Putnam strategies for checking propositional satis ability. Most notably, it features an optimized tabu-based local search method and includes a powerful logically complete approach that combines the respective strengths of local and systematic search techniques. This platform is a comprehensive toolkit provided with most current SAT instances generators and with various user-friendly tools.
Bertrand Mazure, Lakhdar Sais, Éric Gr&eacu
Added 05 Aug 2010
Updated 05 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1998
Where CADE
Authors Bertrand Mazure, Lakhdar Sais, Éric Grégoire
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