In this work, we describe a project, jointly started by DEIS University of Bologna and Dianoema S.p.A., in order to build a system which is able to monitor nosocomial infections. To this purpose, the system computes various statistics that are based on the count of patient infections over a period of time. The precise count of patient infections needs a precise definition of bacterial strains. In order to find bacterial strains, clustering has been applied on the microbiological data collected along two years in an Italian hospital. 1 MICROBIOLOGICAL DATA ANALYSIS A very important problem that arises in hospitals is the monitoring and detection of nosocomial infections. A hospitalacquired or nosocomial infection is a disease that develops after the admission to the hospital, and is the consequence of a treatment, not necessarily a surgical one, or work by the hospital staff. Usually, a disease is considered a nosocomial infection if it develops 72 hours after the admission to the hospi...
Evelina Lamma, M. Manservigi, Paola Mello, Sergio