

A system for searching uterine cervix images by visual attributes

14 years 3 months ago
A system for searching uterine cervix images by visual attributes
Content-based indexing and retrieval is gaining increasing interest in the medical domain with the growing size of medical image databases. We present here a Web-accessible retrieval system for searching for similar uterine cervix images based on their visual characteristics. The system operates on a subset of a large database created for archiving patient records collected by two key projects in cervical cancer research. It was developed to bridge the "gaps" that hold back the practical adoption of most CBIR systems. This collaboration between engineers and gynecological experts promises to provide a new biomedical resource beyond current text-based searching tools.
Zhiyun Xue, Sameer Antani, L. Rodney Long, George
Added 08 Nov 2010
Updated 08 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where CBMS
Authors Zhiyun Xue, Sameer Antani, L. Rodney Long, George R. Thoma
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