

Systematic analysis of human kinase genes: a large number of genes and alternative splicing events result in functional and stru

14 years 3 months ago
Systematic analysis of human kinase genes: a large number of genes and alternative splicing events result in functional and stru
Background: Protein kinases are a well defined family of proteins, characterized by the presence of a common kinase catalytic domain and playing a significant role in many important cellular processes, such as proliferation, maintenance of cell shape, apoptosys. In many members of the family, additional non-kinase domains contribute further specialization, resulting in subcellular localization, protein binding and regulation of activity, among others. About 500 genes encode members of the kinase family in the human genome, and although many of them represent well known genes, a larger number of genes code for proteins of more recent identification, or for unknown proteins identified as kinase only after computational studies. Results: A systematic in silico study performed on the human genome, led to the identification of 5 genes, on chromosome 1, 11, 13, 15 and 16 respectively, and 1 pseudogene on chromosome X; some of these genes are reported as kinases from NCBI but are absent in o...
Luciano Milanesi, Mauro Petrillo, Leandra Sepe, An
Added 15 Dec 2010
Updated 15 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2005
Authors Luciano Milanesi, Mauro Petrillo, Leandra Sepe, Angelo Boccia, Nunzio D'Agostino, Myriam Passamano, Salvatore Di Nardo, Gianluca Tasco, Rita Casadio, Giovanni Paolella
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