

Systematic Performance Modeling and Characterization of Heterogeneous IP Networks

14 years 6 months ago
Systematic Performance Modeling and Characterization of Heterogeneous IP Networks
Accurate measurement and modeling of IP networks is essential for network design, planning, and management. Efforts are being made to detect the state of the network from end-to-end measurements using different techniques and paradigms. In this paper we present a novel concept to use in the modeling of real network scenarios under measurement and analysis. We called this new concept Service Condition. We explain our proposal’s motivations and we show how to apply the Service Condition concept to the study of real heterogeneous network scenarios. To show the real applicability of our proposal results from a performance evaluation study over real heterogeneous networks (where the integration of LAN, UMTS and GPRS is present) are given.
Alessio Botta, Donato Emma, Antonio Pescapè
Added 25 Jun 2010
Updated 25 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Alessio Botta, Donato Emma, Antonio Pescapè, Giorgio Ventre
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