

SYSTOMONAS - an integrated database for systems biology analysis of Pseudomonas

14 years 2 months ago
SYSTOMONAS - an integrated database for systems biology analysis of Pseudomonas
To provide an integrated bioinformatics platform for a systems biology approach to the biology of pseudomonads in infection and biotechnology the database SYSTOMONAS (SYSTems biology of pseudOMONAS) was established. Besides our own experimental metabolome, proteome and transcriptome data, various additional predictions of cellular processes, such as gene-regulatory networks were stored. Reconstruction of metabolic networks in SYSTOMONAS was achieved via comparative genomics. Broad data integration is realized using SOAP interfaces for the well established databases BRENDA, KEGG and PRODORIC. Several tools for the analysis of stored data and for the visualization of the corresponding results are provided, enabling a quick understanding of metabolic pathways, genomic arrangements or promoter structures of interest. The focus of SYSTOMONAS is on pseudomonads and in particular Pseudomonas aeruginosa, an opportunistic human pathogen. With this database we would like to encourage the Pseudo...
Claudia Choi, Richard Münch, Stefan Leupold,
Added 27 Dec 2010
Updated 27 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2007
Where NAR
Authors Claudia Choi, Richard Münch, Stefan Leupold, Johannes Klein, Inga Siegel, Bernhard Thielen, Beatrice Benkert, Martin Kucklick, Max Schobert, Jens Barthelmes, Christian Ebeling, Isam Haddad, Maurice Scheer, Andreas Grote, Karsten Hiller, Boyke Bunk, Kerstin Schreiber, Ida Retter, Dietmar Schomburg, Dieter Jahn
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