

Tabling for transaction logic

13 years 10 months ago
Tabling for transaction logic
Transaction Logic is a logic for representing declarative and procedural knowledge in logic programming, databases, and AI. It has been successful in areas as diverse as workflows and Web services, security policies, AI planning, reasoning about actions, and more. Although a number of implementations of Transaction Logic exist, none is logically complete due to the inherent difficulty and time/space complexity of such implementations. In this paper we attack this problem by first introducing a logically complete tabling evaluation strategy for Transaction Logic and then describing a series of optimizations, which make this algorithm practical. In support of our arguments, we present a performance evaluation study of six different implementations of this algorithm, each successively adopting our optimizations. The study suggest that the tabling algorithm can scale well both in time and space. We also discuss ideas that could improve the performance further. Categories and Subject Descr...
Paul Fodor, Michael Kifer
Added 14 Feb 2011
Updated 14 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where PPDP
Authors Paul Fodor, Michael Kifer
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