

Tag-based social interest discovery

15 years 3 months ago
Tag-based social interest discovery
The success and popularity of social network systems, such as, Facebook, MySpace, and YouTube, have generated many interesting and challenging problems to the research community. Among others, discovering social interests shared by groups of users is very important because it helps to connect people with common interests and encourages people to contribute and share more contents. The main challenge to solving this problem comes from the difficulty of detecting and representing the interest of the users. The existing approaches are all based on the online connections of users and so unable to identify the common interest of users who have no online connections. In this paper, we propose a novel social interest discovery approach based on user-generated tags. Our approach is motivated by the key observation that in a social network, human users tend to use descriptive tags to annotate the contents that they are interested in. Our analysis on a large amount of real-world tra...
Xin Li, Lei Guo, Yihong Eric Zhao
Added 21 Nov 2009
Updated 21 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where WWW
Authors Xin Li, Lei Guo, Yihong Eric Zhao
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