

Take it to the next stage: the roles of role playing in the design process

15 years 3 months ago
Take it to the next stage: the roles of role playing in the design process
Using role play at every stage of the design process has been a vital tool for IDEO in working with clients and users. With the dual properties of bringing participants into the moment and making shared activities physical rather than just mental, role playing techniques make the process more experiential and creatively generative. Role playing is complementary to traditional design techniques providing additional team dynamics and insights that bring the process and designs to another level. This paper describes how we have used role-playing in our design process and how it can be integrated into any HCI project. Keywords Bodystorming, participatory design, improv, role playing, rapid prototyping, scenarios, collaborative design.
Kristian T. Simsarian
Added 01 Dec 2009
Updated 01 Dec 2009
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where CHI
Authors Kristian T. Simsarian
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