

Tangible autonomous interfaces (TAIs): exploring autonomous behaviours in TUIs

8 years 9 months ago
Tangible autonomous interfaces (TAIs): exploring autonomous behaviours in TUIs
The use of autonomous behaviour in Tangible User Interfaces can potentially create a compelling and new kind of interaction between humans and computers. We motivate this argument by reviewing related research, which indicates that people are engaged by apparently autonomous behaviours in tangible objects and apply rules of social behaviour towards these smart objects. Our intention is to leverage this effect in support of human-computer interaction. Rather than aiming to improve user performance, we argue that such interfaces can offer a richer and more enjoyable autonomous interface interaction. Herein we present a framework highlighting key concepts and characteristics which are important while designing and implementing Tangible Autonomous Interfaces. Author Keywords Autonomous User Interfaces; Tangible User Interfaces; Design Framework ACM Classification Keywords H.5.2. Information Interfaces and Presentation: User Interfaces.
Diana Nowacka, David Kirk
Added 25 Mar 2016
Updated 25 Mar 2016
Type Journal
Year 2014
Where TEI
Authors Diana Nowacka, David Kirk
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