

Task-Queue Based Hybrid Parallelism: A Case Study

14 years 7 months ago
Task-Queue Based Hybrid Parallelism: A Case Study
Abstract. In this paper we report on our experiences with hybrid parallelism in PARDISO, a high-performance sparse linear solver. We start with the OpenMP-parallel numerical factorization algorithm and reorganize it using a central dynamic task queue to be able to add message passing functionality. The hybrid version allows the solver to run on a larger number of processors in a cost effective way with very reasonable performance. A speed-up of more than nine running on a four-node quad Itanium 2 SMP cluster is achieved in spite of the fact that a large potential to minimize MPI communication is not yet exploited in the first version of the implementation.
Karl Fürlinger, Olaf Schenk, Michael Hagemann
Added 01 Jul 2010
Updated 01 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Authors Karl Fürlinger, Olaf Schenk, Michael Hagemann
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