
Tsinghua U.

Tasking with out-of-order spawn in TLS chip multiprocessors: microarchitecture and compilation

14 years 7 months ago
Tasking with out-of-order spawn in TLS chip multiprocessors: microarchitecture and compilation
Chip Multiprocessors (CMPs) are flexible, high-frequency platforms on which to support Thread-Level Speculation (TLS). However, for TLS to deliver on its promise, CMPs must exploit multiple sources of speculative task-level parallelism, including any nesting levels of both subroutines and loop iterations. Unfortunately, these environments are hard to support in decentralized CMP hardware: since tasks are spawned out-of-order and unpredictably, maintaining key TLS basics such as task ordering and efficient resource allocation is challenging. While the concept of out-of-order spawning is not new, this paper is the first to propose a set of microarchitectural mechanisms that, altogether, fundamentally enable fast TLS with out-of-order spawn in a CMP. Moreover, we develop a fully-automated TLS compiler for aggressive out-of-order spawn. With our mechanisms, a TLS CMP with
Jose Renau, James Tuck, Wei Liu, Luis Ceze, Karin
Added 27 Jun 2010
Updated 27 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where ICS
Authors Jose Renau, James Tuck, Wei Liu, Luis Ceze, Karin Strauss, Josep Torrellas
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