

TCP with gateway adaptive pacing for multihop wireless networks with Internet connectivity

14 years 20 days ago
TCP with gateway adaptive pacing for multihop wireless networks with Internet connectivity
This paper introduces an effective congestion control pacing scheme for TCP over multihop wireless networks with Internet connectivity. The pacing scheme is implemented at the wireless TCP sender as well as at the Internet gateway, and reacts according to the direction of TCP flows running across the wireless network and the Internet. Moreover, we analyze the causes for the unfairness of oncoming TCP flows and propose a scheme to throttle aggressive wired-to-wireless TCP flows at the Internet gateway to achieve nearly optimal fairness. The proposed scheme, which we denote as TCP with Gateway Adaptive Pacing (TCP-GAP), does not impose any control traffic overhead for achieving fairness among active TCP flows and can be incrementally deployed since it does not require any modifications of TCP in the wired part of the network. In an extensive set of experiments using ns-2 we show that TCP-GAP is highly responsive to varying traffic conditions, provides nearly optimal fairness in all scen...
Sherif M. ElRakabawy, Alexander Klemm, Christoph L
Added 09 Dec 2010
Updated 09 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where CN
Authors Sherif M. ElRakabawy, Alexander Klemm, Christoph Lindemann
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