

Teaching the evolution of behavior with SuperDuperWalker

14 years 6 months ago
Teaching the evolution of behavior with SuperDuperWalker
SuperDuperWalker is a software-based framework for experiments on the evolution of locomotion. It simulates the behavior of evolving agents in a 3D physical simulation environment and displays this behavior graphically in real time. A genetic algorithm controls the evolution of the agents. Students manipulate parameters with a graphical user interface and plot outputs using standard utilities. The software supports an inquiry cycle that has been piloted in CS193T: Biocomputational Developmental Ecology at Hampshire College. Keywords. Physical simulation, genetic algorithms, biology, The science curriculum at Hampshire College2 emphasizes original student inquiry at all levels, including first-semester courses and courses for non-majors. This puts a premium on tools and methodologies that allow for genuine inquiry by novices. As a result, Hampshire College faculty have developed a range of methodologies and technologies for student-active inquiry-based science education, and they have ...
Lee Spector, Jon Klein, Kyle Harrington, Raymond C
Added 26 Jun 2010
Updated 26 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where AIED
Authors Lee Spector, Jon Klein, Kyle Harrington, Raymond Coppinger
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