

Techniques for Delayed Binding of Monitoring Mechanisms to Application-Specific Instrumentation Points

14 years 6 months ago
Techniques for Delayed Binding of Monitoring Mechanisms to Application-Specific Instrumentation Points
Online interaction with computer systems and applications allows developers to monitor, experiment with, and debug long-running, resource-intensive applicationsat runtime. Traditionally, developers statically bind a monitoring mechanism to each application-specificinstrumentation point. This approach has shortcomings for online, interactive monitoring. Namely, static binding limits portability among monitoring systems; it may mismatch monitoring mechanisms to interactive requests for monitoring data; and, predictions for the performance and execution paths of instrumentation for static bindings are left to the developer. To address these concerns, we have created a new technique called monitoring assertions that allows monitoring systems to delay binding of monitoring mechanisms to application-specific instrumentationpoints until runtime. Our empirical results show that we can alter the performance of both the applicationand the monitoring system by removing static binding requirement...
Jeffrey S. Vetter, Karsten Schwan
Added 04 Aug 2010
Updated 04 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1998
Where ICPP
Authors Jeffrey S. Vetter, Karsten Schwan
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