

Temporal logic control of discrete-time piecewise affine systems

13 years 10 months ago
Temporal logic control of discrete-time piecewise affine systems
Abstract-- We consider the problem of controlling a discretetime piecewise affine (PWA) system from a specification given as a Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) formula over linear predicates in its state variables. We present a computational framework for finding initial states and feedback control strategies guaranteeing the satisfaction of such a specification by all the trajectories losed loop system. Our solution is based on abstracting the system to a finite transition system and on controlling the ion from an LTL specification.
Boyan Yordanov, Calin Belta
Added 16 Feb 2011
Updated 16 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2009
Where CDC
Authors Boyan Yordanov, Calin Belta
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