

Temporal reasoning for decision support in medicine

14 years 11 days ago
Temporal reasoning for decision support in medicine
Time-related concepts handling is essential in medicine. During diagnosis it can make a substantial difference to know the temporal order in which some symptoms occurred or for how long they lasted. During prognosis the potential evolutions of a disease is conceived as a description of events unfolding in time. In therapy planning the different steps of treatments must be applied in a precise order, with a given frequency and for a certain span of time in order to be effective. This article offers a survey on the use of temporal reasoning for decision supportrelated tasks in medicine. Key areas are highlighted and used to organize the latest contributions. The survey of previous research is followed by an analysis of what can still be improved and what is needed to make the next generation of decision support systems for medicine more effective. Key words: temporal reasoning, decision support for medicine, diagnosis, prognosis, therapy planning Preprint submitted to Elsevier Science 5...
Juan Carlos Augusto
Added 15 Dec 2010
Updated 15 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2005
Authors Juan Carlos Augusto
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