

Temporal Relations of Intervals with a Gap

14 years 6 months ago
Temporal Relations of Intervals with a Gap
Forty-four relations are found between an interval and an interval with a gap ( rIIg ), capturing semantics that are distinct from those of the sets of constituting intervals and at a higher semantic level than pure pointbased models. The relations’ conceptual neighborhood graph evolves as a refinement of the graph of Allen’s thirteen binary relations between intervals, primary due to more details revealed about five of the thirteen interval relations. The compositions of rIIg with their converse relations rIgI reveal that the interval compositions form an upper bound within which the gaps reduce the set of possible inferences, sometimes up to yielding unique inferences where interval compositions are fully undetermined.
Max J. Egenhofer
Added 04 Jun 2010
Updated 04 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where TIME
Authors Max J. Egenhofer
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