

Temporal Spectrum Sharing Based on Primary User Activity Prediction

13 years 9 months ago
Temporal Spectrum Sharing Based on Primary User Activity Prediction
Abstract--In this paper we investigate the opportunistic spectrum access in temporal domain where a secondary user shares a radio channel with a primary user during the OFF period of the primary user. We consider practical ON/OFF traffic models whose bursty natures are not properly described by a Markovian assumption. An optimal strategy to determine the transmission power of the secondary user is proposed, which can be adapted to any source traffic model of the primary user. This strategy will maximize the spectrum utilization of the secondary user while keeping interference violations to the primary user below a threshold. Numerical results show that the transmission power of the secondary user depends on the probability distribution of the primary traffic as well as the elapsed time of the OFF period.
Ki Won Sung, Seong-Lyun Kim, Jens Zander
Added 22 May 2011
Updated 22 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where TWC
Authors Ki Won Sung, Seong-Lyun Kim, Jens Zander
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