

TempUnit: A bio-inspired neural network model for signal processing

14 years 6 months ago
TempUnit: A bio-inspired neural network model for signal processing
– We have developed and tested a novel artificial neural network for the processing of temporal signals. The working of the units (TempUnit) is based on the mechanism of temporal summation as observed in biological neurons. Its particularity is to adapt its basis function by supervised learning. The model was tested on cortical and associated muscular (EMG) recordings from the behaving primate. The TempUnit showed a 2.3 times better performance in mapping spiking to EMG activity than a time delay multi-layer perceptron. Data compression capacity of the TempUnit was tested on audio data and compared to the MP3 compression standard. For a similar reproduction quality, we found a compression rate 5 times higher than in MP3.
Olivier F. Manette, Marc A. Maier
Added 11 Jun 2010
Updated 11 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Authors Olivier F. Manette, Marc A. Maier
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