

Tensor Lines in Tensor Fields of Arbitrary Order

14 years 6 months ago
Tensor Lines in Tensor Fields of Arbitrary Order
This paper presents a method to reduce time complexity of the computation of higher–order tensor lines. The method can be applied to higher–order tensors and the spherical harmonics representation, both widely used in medical imaging. It is based on a gradient descend technique and integrates well into fiber tracking algorithms. Furthermore, the method improves the angular resolution in contrast to discrete sampling methods which is especially important to tractography, since there, small errors accumulate fast and make the result unusable. Our implementation does not interpolate derived directions but works directly on the interpolated tensor information. The specific contribution of this paper is a fast algorithm for tracking lines tensor fields of arbitrary order that increases angular resolution compared to previous approaches.
Mario Hlawitschka, Gerik Scheuermann, Alfred Anwan
Added 08 Jun 2010
Updated 08 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where ISVC
Authors Mario Hlawitschka, Gerik Scheuermann, Alfred Anwander, Thomas Knösche, Marc Tittgemeyer, Bernd Hamann
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