

Tensors of Comodels and Models for Operational Semantics

14 years 11 days ago
Tensors of Comodels and Models for Operational Semantics
In seeking a unified study of computational effects, in particular in order to give a general operational semantics agreeing with the standard one for state, one must take account of the coalgebraic structure of state. Axiomatically, one needs a countable Lawvere theory L, a comodel C, typically the final one, and a model M, typically free; one then seeks a tensor C M of the comodel with the model that allows operations to flow between the two. We describe such a tensor implicit in ract category theoretic literature, explain its significance for computational effects, and calculate it in leading classes of examples, primarily involving state. Key words: Countable Lawvere theory, model, comodel, global state, arrays, free cocompletion, tensor.
Gordon D. Plotkin, John Power
Added 10 Dec 2010
Updated 10 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Authors Gordon D. Plotkin, John Power
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